Suzie Umbel is a singer, speaker/teacher and a writer with a passion for the Word of God. In addition to her speaking engagements, Suzie has recorded Christian CDs, leads worship and facilitates women's Bible studies. Suzie feels called to take women deeper into the Word because that is how lives are transformed.
Paul says in Romans 12:2: "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will." NIV
Talks can be written for your specific theme.
Suzie can be booked for 1 day, 2 day, weekend long or week long retreats.
I have been a singer all of my life (voice major in college) and have spent the last 20+ years as a Worship Leader. I have led Women's Bible studies for years and I love the word of God! I have always sought out other speakers and attend women's events often, as I love fresh insight into God's Word.
All too often the problem for me was these women's events didn't build my spiritual knowledge. There were more cute stories than scriptural references and I was learning more about the speaker than about God.
I was leaving a women's event about 7 years ago and was lamenting with God in my car... "Ok God, so what is my take-away from that?" He pressed into me... "Well, if you think Women want to go deeper... then take them deeper... and I was off to the computer."
I highly recommend Suzie Umbel without reservation. Anyone looking for a Christian speaker needs to meet Suzie. She is a gift from God and she will surely bless you. During our last women’s retreat, Suzie did it all: she taught the book of Ruth with accurate historical contexts, demonstrated depth of understanding and Godly insight, shared tips about reading scripture consistently, gave guidance on praying more often, and encouraged us about opening our ears to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and our hearts to change and grow in our faith. Suzie connected with us by telling relatable and relevant anecdotes and her vocal performance brought us to tears with “His Eye is on the Sparrow” - alongside several other worship songs professionally done. We were abundantly blessed with Suzie’s message of hope and healing through faith.
We so enjoyed Suzie as a speaker for our women’s conference. I appreciated how she encouraged us to dive deep into Scripture and used worship songs as part of the entire experience. She was focused in the Lord and growing our relationship with Christ. The exercises she had us do as group were helping in bonding us to each other seeing different perspectives and personalities in the body of Christ.
Suzie was excellent, she does not hold back on hard truths. She takes a firm stance against the evil in our culture and an even firmer stance in her commitment to God. She has a lovely singing voice, bringing her own arrangements to classic hymns that blend with her talk.
We were privileged to have Suzie speak at our women's retreat which consisted of 55 women. The content of her messages wove various scriptures, the lives of Gods people and their challenges together with her testimony of hard times, and the results of her own disobedience . She disclosed how Gods faithfulness has brought her to a deep love for Him and His word.
Her ability to share humor through relevant illustrations brought a sense of joy and laughter. Her messages caused me to do some deep soul-searching, longing for God to be first in my life in all things. I know I am a work in progress, but loved the challenge to consider, in order for Him to become first in my life. Along with her messages, she incorporated beautiful songs of worship. I went away knowing that I was drinking from the well of truth, and now I want to put into practice that which God revealed to me.
Thank you Suzie, for allowing God to use your life as an example of Gods transforming power, to those who say yes to God. We so need this in our ever- changing world that has lost Gods plumb line.
Refreshing and joyful describe my recent experience at a retreat where Suzie Umbel was both the speaker and the vocalist. Suzie authentically shared her own journey in life, and challenged me and others to trust and follow Jesus Christ. The songs she sang were beautiful and inspiring. She made me laugh, challenged me to think, and encouraged me as she shared her heart for God. Before the retreat was over many people were requesting her return for next year's retreat. I will be there!
Suzie came as the guest speaker for our annual Women’s Retreat. Our experience with her was amazing! She was so communicative, detailed, and thorough throughout the preparation process, really focusing in on what we wanted the retreat to be and to the needs of our women. Her heart to minister, teach and proclaim the Gospel is evident in everything she does. Her talks were both biblical and practical in application; her music, inspired and beautiful. Our church was blessed beyond measure to spend a day under Suzie’s teaching. We look forward to having her back!
Suzie Umbel’s ministry is a testimony to God’s power of love and grace. Since first making contact with Suzie, she has been genuine and a delight. Her ministry is personal and deeply thought through with Biblical value. Suzie’s gentle, beautiful voice weaves God’s truths through musical message – humbling and worshipful. Suzie will challenge and inspire your group to grow deeper. We spent three days (5 sessions) under her teaching and left totally blessed. Please call Suzie Umbel!
Leaders: Suzie brings her own sound system. This lifted a great load from our planning team. A+/5-Star rating for Suzie Umbel!
Suzie has the rare gift to weave Scripture with her life experience in a fresh and compelling way, and then brings you to another level of contemplative inspiration through her beautiful voice and Spirit-filled lyrics. If you are feeling down, Suzie will lift you up closer to heaven. If you are feeling good, Suzie will transform it into praise to the lord. You will be blessed by her message and song.
Suzie has a great sense of humor and storytelling style on top of a solid foundation of scripture. She immediately captivated my attention and had me listening to everything she said. She was honest and talked about issues that all of us could identify with.
Spending a morning with Suzie was an amazing experience. Her meaningful, high-energy presentation filled with uplifting songs of faith, scripture readings and humor inspired me to delve deeper into my spiritual life. Truly an inspiration!